Indie Projects + About


To be able to connect and collaborate across borders – that’s what inspires me most about the internet. Since 2001, I participate in the web, in words and images, as author and editor, solo and in collab projects.

Here’s a brief selection of my activities, starting with a mini-bio:


That minimalist task – bio in 1 sentence:

Dorothee Lang is into roads, stories, places, crossings, and all the things they lead and connect to.


For the longer version, try this page: About Dorothee Lang



BluePrintReview is an experimental online magazine of literature and art. I founded the magazine in 2005 and edit it since then. Stories published in BluePrintReview have been included in the „best of the net online“ anthology by Sundress Publications, in the Dzanc Books „Best of the Web“ anthology, and in the storySouth Million Writers Top10 list. In an article about it, the literary magazine NewPages wrote:

„BluePrintReview is an online journal constructed to ease the complex and beautiful convergence of language and art and all the possibilities this entails.“

The magazine is currently on hiatus. All 30 issues are online. For more about the project, visit: About BluePrintReview


WOR(L)DS APART: a travel novel

In the web and the world, the most unlikely things happen. Like this travel book, which is based on a chance mail conversation between me (Germany) and Smitha (India), that turned into a book about 2 friends, 2 journeys, and 10 life lessons – and got published by Folded Word Press (USA). The title is also the making-of-story of the book: „WOR(L)DS APART“ 

An engaging travelogue in the form of emails between 2 strangers who turn to virtual friends: From the Great Wall to Shanghai, from Munich to the Mediterranean Sea, and from curious questions („How does one type on a Chinese keyboard?“) to shared life lessons that wait along the road, WOR(L)DS APART is both an inspiring travel read, and the story of a friendship across cultures and borders.

„What an intriguing premise for a novel! This flooded my mind with memories drawn from my own travels in Europe and Asia over the past six years. Whether you have the freedom to visit these lands or not, this is a must read. It is a dreamy escape borne on the imaginations of two very interesting characters.“ – J.D. Rachel


Story South Million Writers Award

The ‚Story South Award‘ is the largest short story competition in cyberspace. From 2010 to 2013, I served as one of the preliminary judges of the Award.


Publications and Collaborations

Flash fiction, visual collaborations, multicultural essays, cooperative poems, meta stories, e-flections, travelogues…

Not easy to pick a best of selection, but a good challenge in itself.


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